What is Linked Data Analytics?

Linked Data

Before you get into Linked Data Engineering, it is vital to understand the basic principles and concepts you will find in them. After all, we are literally surrounded by data. Hence, it is easy to understand and approach it in the right way.

Linked data is essentially structured data, and it is important to understand it in the context of the Semantic Web. It typically consists of a specific set of design principles that are aimed at interlinking the data for the purposes of semantic queries.

Once you have properly understood how to go about publishing, programming, and visualizing linked data, the next thing you need to understand is Linked Data Analytics. In this article, you will learn more about linked data analytics:

An Iterative Process

Before getting into what linked data analytics is, it is important to get a sense of what data analytics, in general, is. Data analytics is a smart and sophisticated process of learning more from data and generating valuable insights from them.

Iterative Process

The iterative process of data analytics first begins with understanding the data that is currently available. The data will be carefully studied and analyzed using various techniques and methods. Such an analysis will typically lead to the generation of new ideas and insights, which will again be studied and analyzed. The element of visualization may also accompany this process. In such a case, it will be called visual data analytics. This can be a powerful way to approach and understand the data.

This is how linked data analysis works as well. It typically starts with the careful formulation of a query and is followed by its execution. The results are then analyzed, followed by the further formulation of the new findings.

What are the Goals of This Process?

The linked data analytics is essentially a data mining process. It helps to find structures and patterns that are otherwise not easily visible. It also helps to detect anomalies. Hence, it can be very useful. Ultimately, you will be able to develop a model and understand the nature of the data.

This interactive data analysis with linked data is usually done on DBpedia along with SPARQL. SPARQL is a valuable tool that helps us understand the data and analyze it in a productive manner. You can rely on the use of statistical tools for this process as well. The most commonly used statistical tool is the R tool, and it is easily available for many operating systems.

To Sum Up

By way of linked data analytics, you will be able to get a sense of the link’s popularity. Keep in mind that this computation with SPARQL can take some time. Hence, you will need to be patient with this process. You can also rely on the use of PageRank and refer to the popularity scores to get a sense of the popularity of a particular webpage.

What is Linked Data Analytics?

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