Welcome To LinDA Project

Is effective content marketing still falling short for your website? If you want more organic traffic and a more interconnected web platform, welcome to explore the magic of linked data!


Why Linked Data?

Linked Data is the recommended method of exposing and connecting data from different sources. Read more for an introduction to Linked data with an example.

Use of URIs to access data

Mark and uniquely identify all your terms and products on the websites using designated uniform resource identifiers to enhance their search.

Schema-defying model

An advanced and integrated model that connects several URIs to interpret analogies and form viable instances.


Each website can now link to countless other websites spread across the web to understand and evaluate all the objects and their dependencies.

Interlinking of datasets

You don’t have to load all the backup instructions as the web pages have numerous database links to draw relevant information whenever required.

All tools you will ever need in a box!

Tired of switching to dozens of technologies just to integrate two remote datasets and visualize them? Not anymore! LinDA has a seamless workflow between your data, your custom queries, a linked data visualization engine and an analytics engine. Link your business applications with LinDA’s entities, queries and tools at any time and step through APIs and SPARQL.


package of Enterprise Linked Data tools

LinDA Workbench is a complete open-source package of Enterprise Linked Data tools to quickly map and publish your data in the Linked Data Format, interlink them with
other public or private data, analyze them and create visualizations.

Transformation Engine

HTML or CSS markups aren't the ones for linked data integration. We can help translate your backend program to compatible web languages.


Much before launching your website, you can graphically visualize how effective your URIs and their possible connections are.

Publication & Consumption

We develop data and platforms worth the public demand to ensure instant and steady communication with your sites.

Query Designer

Once the content and linked data are ready, your program should be analytical enough to connect the relevant queries.


How would you know the performance and the effectiveness of the linked data? We can display all the queries processed in self-explaining figures!

Vocabulary Repository

Don't know the perfect glossary to make your content globally web-friendly? We provide an extensive repository suitable for all machines.


Link with Public datasets in one click!

Interlink your data with any public linked data endpoint in a click!LinDA comes with an updated list of available, high quality public linked data stores but you can always add more on the fly!


Happy reviews

Still unsure if linked data is the best approach for your business? Check out how our clients have progressed with us!

"LinDA has actually provided all the essential tools and applications, which you might need to link and update your platforms. It has made my entire job easy!"

Kelvin L. Maclean

"Even after two years of updating my website with LinDA's linked data tools, I still get fair analytics and on-spot assistance for any queries and changes. "

Margaret C. Nicholson

Latest News & Updates

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How To Manage and Utilize the Linked Data Obtained From Your Website?

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How To Setup Change Management in Your Company for Efficient Linked Data Implementation?

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Why Is Linked Data Management Fruitful for Businesses?

As a semantic web or www 3.0 emerged wide, linked data soon became a necessity for one and all. You might wonder why is it even helpful if you can …

The power of Linked Data at the tip of your fingers

You don’t have to be an expert to use Linked Data anymore. Enjoy the massive power of Linked Data without the complexity and high learning curve of Linked Data.
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